
3.5.2 Failures of bearings Antifriction bearings

Main bearing damages are rare. Their appearance often leads to extensive secondary damages. For the analysis and evaluation of bearing failures there are norms/spezifications/directives like DIN 5426- 1 and ISO 10816-4. Where there is a fatigue failure ( "Ill. 3.5-10"), there is the chance of early recognition in the framework of the already mentioned controls (Chapter 3.5.1). The causes are various: unfavorable operation conditions (oil shortage, oil deterioration) , assembly problems, impurities, overload through the loss of other components etc.

Unfavorable operation conditions imply:

  • very high or very low bearing loads.
  • Lengthy static times can incite corrosion.
  • Vibrations and lateral accelerations of the static engine of the standig engine or during tranport ( "Ill. 3.5-13") can damage the bearing race way through wear.

If huge unbalances appear unnoticed, (e.g., after blade fracture), not registered as prohibtive by the vibration sensors, because of the elasticized and damped bearing, respectively, the rotor suspension of modern types of engines, these bearings can be inconspicuously permanently damaged. If such bearings are not exchanged during repair, they are predestined for extensive secondary failure at a later date.

Assembly problems in rolling bearings

Assembly problems, precisely in engines designed with modular systems can lead to mechanical bearing failures ( "Ill. 4.2-5"). In this phase, the danger of foreign object infiltration and impurities is enormous.

When welding in context of assembly, repairs or local overhaul, one must be careful to see that no electrical continuity through the engine and the bearing follows, for fear of local initial fusing of bearing raceways and rolling objects inducing fatigue failure. Parasitical current flows, from other sources that pass through the casings and rotor, can stimulate similar effects.

Transport problems in rolling bearings

Typical problems in this connection will be addressed here. Vibration in inadequately fixed rotors during transport (trucks on bad roads, railway transport with shunted bumps or rail bumps in old tracks, "Ill. 3.5-13") can lead to so called “brinelling” ( "Example 3.5-1"). This is a digging in of the rolling elements in the tracks, as a result of vibrational wear and/or plastic deformation through hammering. Experience shows that after such failures, catastrophic bearing and engine failures can arise very fast, depending from the rotor speed. Therefore small engines can even fail in seconds during the first strart up after a dangerous brinelling occurred. Appropriate cushioned and damped transport devices, e.g., adequate containers and/or tensed rotors have proven as adequate remedy.

A possibility of non permitted enormous accelerations (impacts) from the transport of the engine, to be proved even later, is the application of suitable sensors on an appropriate position of the transport container or the engine. Such an impact sensor says something about the unique excess of an adjustable threshold which shows up permanently. Typical, for instance, are appliances that clamp a ball that will be dislodged through a prohibitive strong impact independent from the direction.

Corrosion on bearings

Corrosion is apparent on rolling bearings, experientially, only then, if, during a vast static period, a corrosion medium is effective. Such is the case when an engine is in an inadequately, conserved condition for very long, i.e., after months of static state. Also we have to think about lack of conservation oil in modules and components (e.g., gears) stored as spare parts can suffer corrosion. Normally the corrosion must be seen in connection with condensation water and contaminated air. Corrosive impurities from industry or sea atmosphere are absorbed by condensation water. Keep in mind that the surrounding atmosphere can be very aggressive, depending on the site. For this reason durig stand still condensat and air exchange must be avoided. Therefore changes in temperature and access of air must be as low as possible. A heating (e.g., during the day) causes by the expansion of the air a ‘breathung out’ of the engine. During cooling (e.g., in the night) the engine ‘inhalates’ again. This enables a distinctly air exchange which transports aggressive contaminations to the bearings.

If engines or engine components are stored over longer periods of time, they are to be appropriately (through manufacturer suggestions) conserved. At the begin of the use it is to ascertain if the OEM demands a ‘conservation run’ of the whole engine or a treatment of the components/modules with conservation oil was sufficient. This special sort of oil does not flow so easy from the wetted surfaces as the normal lubricant and so protects over longer non-operating times.

Here, measures towards the avoidance of condensed water should be undertaken. To this belongs as mutch as possible a constant temperature. The storage can be carried out in closed containers or under sufficient dense packing. Those can be flushed with dry, inert gas (e.g. nitrogen). In closed containers or coverings, hygroscopic media can be implemented, e.g., ‘silica gel’. If especially corrosion danger exists (great variations in temperature, sea atmosphere) the engine can be purged continuous with dry air.

Due to the augmented corrosion danger following long static periods, a precise oil analysis should be carried out after commissioning and recommissioning, because the metallic, loosely adhering corrosion products must be detectable due to the higher iron content , which normalizes at subsequent oil analysis. Typical for the corrosion damages, through condensed water during static, are lineal (roller bearing) or circular (ball bearing) corrosion pits around the contact surfaces of the rolling elements. The pits have a characteristic spread at the periphery in the weight loaded regions at the bottom. Cages of superior material, such as bronze and copper or silver plating, can effect an element formation. Corrosion failures on accessories such as gears were observed, after long storage times (e.g., in the workshop), to be insufficiently protected. Catastrophic bearing failures due to corrosion are rare. One can assume that a failure due to a corrosion pit is discovered in time in a routine examination (see previous information, "Ill. 3.5-7").

A special and frequent type of corrosion is initiated through hand sweat. Typical for this form of corrosion are appearances similar to finger impressions, formed by, individual micro areas of single craters, corresponding to percolating drops. Therefore, when handling rolling bearings, it is judicious to wear appropriate cotton gloves. Before the start of such assembly work, such gloves should be kept ready for use.

 Illustration 3.5-9

"Illustration 3.5-9": (Lit. 3.5-6): Race tracks on rings and rolling elements of anti friction bearings are indeed no failures but can give important hints about height and direction of the acting loads. In contrast to areas with fatigue pittings ( "Ill. 3.5-11") they are no feature of a material damage. Shape, progression and distribution on the races that differ from the, according to the design, even alignment are however an indication for a hurtful load distribution.

This is determined by

  • Direction of the force.
  • Changes of the force (e.g. unbalances),
  • Measurement deviations like misalignments and inclines in connection with the bearing seats.
  • Deformations like distortion of casings or flexing of shafts.

Typical macroscopic feature of a race track is a polished/reflective surface. During microscopic examination a plastic leveling of normal tool marks is normal. Also shallow run in pittigs show the track and must not be a reason for concern. But do they exceed an, according to the experience, bearing specific tolerable extent they can count as an early indication for a short dimensioned lifetime. In this case a non destructive (internal stresses) and/or destructive investigation for signs of fatigue can be necessary for a risk assessment.

Remarkable are indications of race damages. To those belong indentations of particles or first appearances for skidding of the roller elements.

 Illustration 3.5-10

"Illustration 3.5-10": (Lit. 3.5-11): As ‘normal’ life time limiting failure on nonfriction bearings breakouts, so called fatigue pittings (detail at the left) can be applied (upper sketch). They are the consequence of a sort of vibration fatigue by rolling contact. Their expansion points to the rolling direction of the rolling elements. The crack starts normally in the highest stressed zone under the rolling contact surface (right sketch). Under dynamic overload (e.g., unbalances) the material typic weak points as crack starters. Under normal/design conform operation loads the premature fatigue crack origin lies at a damage of the race track. It is about corrosion pits, foreigen particles respectively dents or other damages like recasts (electrical continuity) and brinelling ( "Ill. 3.5-13").

That means race track fatigue is rather a result than a cause. Bearings with corrosion pits are to scrap during overhaul, accordingly to the specification of the OEM (overhaul manual). Thereby corrosion is the most frequent reason for the elimination of antifriction bearings.

A metallografic cross section to the race track can show at the crack start (right sketch) symmetric to the causal flaw poor etching zones (white etching areas = WEAs). Because of their geometry they are also called ‘butterflies’ although this is not the only phenomenon. Apparently they are in connection with a structural material change as result of a heating (up to softening)by dynamic stress in the microregion. So WEAs can be a sign of dangerous high dynamic loads. Their hardness lies above the base material. This can be explained by a rapid quenching from high temperatures (‘new hardening’). The frequentness of the WEA is depending of load and time. It is an irreversible material change/ damage.

The failure propagation accelerates if pits exist as a start. The notches and broken out race track particles promote as foreign objects further cracks. However in the most cases the failure propagation is relatively slow. So it is possible to detect with sensors in the oil circuit (Magnetic chip detectors, "Ill. 3.5-5") a threatening catastrophic failure early enough. The experience shows, that only at antifriction bearings of smaller height speed engines (e.g., derivates of helicopter engines) the failures develop so fast that they can not be captured.

 Illustration 3.5-11

"Illustration 3.5-11": (Lit. 3.5-6): In this survey typical macroscopic manifestations and attributes of antifriction bearing failures are assigned to the causes. This is for an understanding of the technical terms for a better understanding of instructions in specifications and manuals. Above that an assistance for failure investigations should be given.

 Illustration 3.5-12

"Illustration 3.5-12": (Lit. 3.5-6): If despite total care, a bearing failure occurs, the requisite for aimed, adequate, secure remedy is the determination of the cause of failure.

There is the most extensive, systematic technical literature available on machine elements related to bearing failures. Evaluation is thus supported, one may think! One only needs to refer to the book for advice, exactly as if one were trying to identify a mushroom. Experience shows the contrary. Usually, bearing failures in gas turbines are so far gone at the time of discovery, the cause of failure is difficult to determine. That is why it is expedient to use and assess all the clues on the engine as evidence for purposes of investigation.

In this picture, such characteristics are depicted. Hence, e.g., it is absolutely not to be taken for granted that in a disassembly all relevant areas of failure are photographically documented, oil samples taken and secured, or that the filter, without influencing the investigation, has been made available. This is also true for records of vibration amplitudes and frequencies.

 Illustration 3.5-13

"Illustration 3.5-13": (Lit. 3.5-6) Vibrations during the transport with not adequate supported engines or not uptighted rotors can lead to (real) ‘brinelling’ ( "Example 3.5-1"). The experience shows, that such damages can trigger, especially on small high speed engines, even during start up, catastrophic failures in seconds.

 [[@en:3:35:352:ex_en3dot5dash1.svg|Example 3.5-1]]

Example 3.5-1: Many small power gas turbines had to be expedited by railway and truck, in order to reach a remote operation area. After about ten or twenty hours of commissioning, the engines were totally destroyed. A failure examination declared its cause to be a bearing failure. Research on the spot showed that the engines had to be transported about 20 km on bad roads to the operation place. The examination of engines not yet in operation on the same spot verified a failure of the bearing raceways through brinelling. The engines then received a provisionary radial fixing of the rotor (wedging through wooden braces) for conveyance, purporting exchanges well as overhaul at a later date . Consequently, no failure erupted, impressively confirming the correctness of analysis and measurement.

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